Account Request

Any employee, teacher, organization or student who does not have an account can request a UPRM.EDU account. To request an account at UPRM.EDU or RUMAD.UPRM.EDU you must download, print and complete the Account Request form. Once you have completed the application, you can visit us at the Technology and Information Center offices in Celis 010 or send it by FAX to (787) 832-1295.


Use the following forms to request login credentials (username and password) to access electronic services available at Select the form that applies to you based on your role in the Institution.

Employee Account Request

UPR’s employees must obtain the signature of an authorized representative from the Human Resources Office certifying your employment status. External employees must obtain the signature from a representative of their Agency or Company and submit a letter from their employer certifying their employment status related to the University.

Account Request for Organizations and Offices

Use this request form for administrative or academic offices, or student organizations. Student organizations must be registered and meet campus’s regulations. Requests for student organizations must be approved and signed by the Office of Cultural Activities. Requests for offices must be approved and signed by the Director or Dean in the next administrative level.

Visitor Account Request

Use this request form for individuals without a formal institutional affiliation (contractors, visitors, etc). The account for a visitor will be sponsored by an employee of the University, who assumes responsibility for the use of the account. The account will be requested by the employee and must indicate the period of time in which the account will be needed.

Application for access to UPR’s Online Services Platform 

Use this form to request credentials required to access the systems available at the UPR’s Platform for Online Services. In addition you have to request access to the particular system wanted with the office responsible of that system for example the Registrar’s Office, Finance and Human Resources. This Office will also provide you with more information to complete your request.

RUMAD request form

Use this form to request credentials required to access the systems available at RUMAD. In addition you have to request access to the particular system wanted with the office responsible of that system for example the Registrar’s Office, Finance and Human Resources. This Office will also provide you with more information to complete your request.

Account request for retired employees

Use this form to request credentials to access the “portal colegial” if you are retired from UPRM


The access and use of electronic resources is governed by the Institutional Policy and Procedures for the Legal Ethical Use of Information Technologies of the University of Puerto Rico, Certification Number 072, 1999-2000 and the Computer and Communications Policy of the University Campus of Mayagüez, Certification Number 02-03-268. (available at, state and federal laws. An UPRM account is for official use in the performance of tasks and activities related to the University of Puerto Rico. The user is responsible for understanding the rules for the use of Information Technology and that the breach of any of them will be subject to the academic, administrative and legal sanctions that apply.